Teaching powerdown
A new perspective on “what is Resilience?”
I learned a new term this week: Stationarity. More specifically, “the end of stationarity,” which is apparently a new phrase coined by scientists to describe the growing turmoil of climate change.
Comprehensive climate action
Government alone cannot do it. There are plenty of cries to political entities to “do something about global warming.” Yes, it is important for government to impose carbon limits — to drive home the seriousness of a unified effort. To…
Divesment from fossil fuels: tips for activists
The process of divesting from fossil fuels follows a certain timeline. (What is Divestment from Fossil Fuels? It’s basically un-investing from oil, gas and coal.) And where an organization is on this timeline determines the type of action, talking points, and answers…
What is Divestment from fossil fuels?
Divestment is the opposite of investment: you can think of it like “uninvesting.” To divest from fossil fuels means to sell all the oil and gas company stocks in your investment portfolio (or your university’s portfolio, or your faith community’s…
Divest and Reinvest
What is “divestment”? You can think of it like “un-investment.” Or more significantly, investing your money in something else. In this case, we’re talking about divestment from fossil fuels. Coupled with reinvestment in clean energy and post-carbon infrastructure.
8 Things you can do now, to prepare for summer heat
Some simple (energy-free) things you can do to help ease summer heat
The Econ Puzzle’s Debut
This week marked the trimphant wrap-up of our Human Ecology class at Otis College of Art and Design. It was a great group of students this semester, and their enthusiasm shone through in their final projects. We celebrated with people…
Powerdown: Let’s Talk About It
We’re caught in the squeeze right now. Climate change is advancing at an incredible speed. We know we should do something, but we lack the political will to do what it takes to hold it to 2°C. UN committees are now being…
What everybody ought to know about Energy
If you’ve ever looked for an iron-clad case that the fossil energy supply is out-of-control, over-the-top destructive –of planet, wildlife, people’s health and culture– then check out Energy, the latest publication of the Post Carbon Institute. The word “breathtaking” has become…
The Lost Art
“Can she bake a cherry pie?” chants the American folk song. That didn’t mean opening a can of goo from the supermarket and dumping it into a frozen pie shell. It mean knowing when the cherries were sweet and…