• My home garden

    Build your own solar cooker

    Amid a record-breaking heat wave, I’m making tonight’s dinner in my solar cooker. It saves energy (LADWP is sending out energy conservation warning emails).  And it avoids heating up my kitchen. We made these easy solar cookers years back as an…

  • recipes

    Gluten-free Pizza options for wood-fired oven

    It’s no secret that we built a community-scale wood-fired bread-and-pizza oven here in Los Angeles.  And that we hold monthly Community Bake events in conjunction with Los Angeles Bread Bakers so that anyone can try their hand at baking in it.…

  • Abundant Harvests - garden info

    Easy seedsaving without worries

    It’s easy to get seed from your vegetables.  Just let Nature do her thing. It’s a little bit more challenging to be sure that you’re getting the kinds of seeds you want.  Plants (kinda like outdoor cats) make offspring quite willingly,…

  • Community events in Westchester

    New labyrinth garden

    Yup, you got it: We’re tearing out ANOTHER section of lawn at Holy Nativity to expand the Garden.  This section is right along 83rd Street. An Eagle Scout candidate is leading the way, and there is room for community volunteers…

  • Community events in Westchester

    Seed Sharing Ceremony – March 15

    Come experience this special Seed Swap as an opportunity to focus on the “face, place, and story behind our sacred community seeds”. It’s part of the Seed School Teacher Training – our Teachers in Training will be hosting a small seed swap, to practice as an example of a…

  • Creating social change

    Global warming ACTION smartphone app

    What if there were a smartphone app that helped you adopt low-carbon lifestyles? What if your phone reminded you with fun little tips each day … and nudged you toward greening your lifestyle and lowering your carbon footprint? One of the…