Rainwater Harvesting demonstrated at the Community Garden
We have 4 different types of rainwater harvesting demonstrated at the Community Garden at Holy Nativity in Los Angeles. You are welcome to come and see them, and copy them at home.
A new perspective on “what is Resilience?”
I learned a new term this week: Stationarity. More specifically, “the end of stationarity,” which is apparently a new phrase coined by scientists to describe the growing turmoil of climate change.
Join people around the world calling for climate action
Thousands of people are marching this weekend in cities everywhere to call for climate action at this coming week’s Paris negotiations. The photos are now streaming in from around the world. (Check 350.org or the #climatemarch hashtag) In Paris —…
Are you concerned about global warming?
On Nov 30, delegates for the international climate conference begin meeting in Paris. We hope with all our hearts that they will make decisions that are supportive of ongoing Life on this planet. If you are concerned about global warming, and…
Events at the Westchester Community Oven
Come see the new Westchester Community Oven in action, and share good food with friends and neighbors. Stop by for a short visit, or try your hand at baking in a traditional earth oven. On Saturday Dec 5 and Saturday Jan 16,…
El Niño: What to check on your downspouts
In usually-water-lean Southern California, most of us have directed rain gutter downspouts to run into our gardens, so that we can make the most of every drop. (drawing A) This is a great setup for most years, when we get…
Another effort to disguise GMOs and bury the evidence
Don’t call them “genetically modified” says the FDA. In a campaign that is very likely driven behind-the-scenes by the marketing arm of biotech industry, the FDA now wants us to use the term “genetically engineered” instead. Why is this so…
Green Friday – Nov 27 – an alternative to consumerism
Be a producer, rather than a consumer. Are you sick of all the ads and consumerism that now invade our lives even before Halloween? …the deluge of STUFF that you know is so bad for our planet, its climate, and…
El Niño: Know your Big Picture
As city creatures, most people know streets and shortcuts. They know the municipal grid. But they are very unaware of the geologic watershed that runs beneath their feet.
El Niño: Protect garden pets
At my house, we have city chickens. At the Community Garden at Holy Nativity, we have bunnies. With a Godzilla El Niño coming, all of these delightful little critters need rain protection.