poem: firm white domes crest garden soil / sporophores / like icebergs
Digging deeper on water solutions
It's not going to "get better" soon. We can't just "wait it out." Water issues are the new normal. So, what can we do?
poem: Gotta dash to soccer practice
Ode to the Myco-miracle
poem: fuzzy as a teddy bear, you thread across my compost pile.
Is your laundry climate-friendly?
Here are a few ways to reduce the climate impact of your laundry - for both renters and homeowners
What are climate solutions?
Although the media now mentions climate change far more than they used to, nearly all this news is still focused on climate-as-a-problem, and climate-as-drama. Very very few of these many articles end with "here's what you can do." In that,…
Poem: Revaluation to fix the state of the world
Rain that falls on flat surfaces like sidewalks and driveways runs away far too quickly to be very useful. Here are some ideas for bringing "not-flat" into your property.
Why Try a Rain Barrel, even if it is so small
Rain barrels are an excellent way to "dip your toe in the water" of beginning rainwater awareness.
A few old habits that aren’t serving us anymore:
Here are a few habits which are part of the world of the past, a world that is (or should be) slipping away.