Resources for my Permaculture Observation class
Permaculture is a design system that begins with “what is” and launches from that starting point into “what will become.” Rather than making a strict decision about the final outcome from the very start, the designer begins with what is already on the site.
We learn to work with Nature as our partner. We learn how to work with — rather than against — the influences to the site. How do people/animals already use this space? How do wind/sun/heat/weather affect it? What thrives here, and what isn’t thriving?
In this class, we practiced training our eyes to see — what is needed, what do we need to do next in this space. What do we need to shore up, and what should be re-worked? What is the garden asking for?
Here are some resources we mentioned during class:
- “Observe and interact,” a Permaculture principle by David Holmgren
- An introduction to Permaculture, page quotes various teachers
- Permaculture, a Beginner’s Guide, by Graham Burnett – illustrated pdf … page 7: “Work with nature, not against”
- Permaculture design principles, by David Holmgren
- Bill Mollison’s Permaculture principles
- Permaculture in a Nutshell, book by Patrick Whitefield
Soil Building and Crop Rotation:
- quick and easy cool season vegetables (post)
- Vegetables Gone Wild (pdf) … a.k.a. “feral vegetables”
- what crop rotation can do for you and your garden, (post)
- The Secrets of Soil Building, book/ebook by Joanne Poyourow
- Vegetable Crop Rotation Wheel garden planning tool
- VegGardens365 app (free) … works in your web browser too!
Free Permaculture courses:
- with Goeff Lawton
- with Heather Jo Flores
- Oregon State University offers a free course on occasion