Legacy: A Story of Hope

What happens when a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens set out to change the world?
Tia Chandler is trying to wrap her mind around the gigantic problems of the world: Global warming, market crashes, sea levels rising, glacial melting, wildlife species extinction … what more? She feels the hopelessness, she feels overwhelmed. She cannot possibly bear to think that big!
Then she meets Ari Damek — tall, handsome, and totally serious in his conviction that he’s out to change the world.
Follow a family of activists over multiple generations, from 2002 to 2040, as they work to create change in their local community, change across the city of Los Angeles, change across the nation and around the world. Experience the transformation of “The Great Turning,” one step at a time. Rejoice in their success!
Published long before most of the world had heard of “An Inconvenient Truth,” this is a novel packed with global warming SOLUTIONS. It is a story of hope. This is what the world can really look like.
This 2005 novel was the spark which launched the Environmental Change-Makers, a community group in Los Angeles that has built 2 community gardens, a community-scale bread oven, and helped change the consciousness of many.
Read the story. Join in the fun! Together we can create a new world.
• Paperback book, 385 pages.
• Includes “Legacy Revisited,” an insert which shows you which events imagined in the 2005 novel have since come alive in real life!
If you want it SIGNED BY AUTHOR: While there are lots of copies available through secondhand vendors, the Etsy listing is the only way to get a new copy autographed by author Joanne Poyourow.