Make a Mess Kit
Carry your own travel mug, real fork, and bowl, so that you can reach beyond single-use "disposable" items.
Streamline your closet
Simplifying your stuff can start with the unused items in your clothes closet.
Is your laundry climate-friendly?
Here are a few ways to reduce the climate impact of your laundry - for both renters and homeowners
Rethink waste
Everything we put into the cans headed to the landfill is a waste of earth's resources. Here's how to analyze your outflow, and channel it to higher uses.
Let’s do better than Recycling
Recycling is a good thing, isn't it? Not the way it's currently being done. Here's how you can do better.
Which Christmas tree is greener?
Artificial trees can last for years, but natural trees can absorb planet-warming carbon emissions before they are cut. So which option is best for the climate? This article, by CNN’s Rachel Ramirez, does the analysis, comparing plastic trees to Christmas-tree-farm…
How does buying local support a better economy?
Do you buy local? Or buy from massive international corporations? Here's why your decision makes a big difference.
What’s wrong with bottled water?
What’s wrong with it: the water is not necessarily better fossil fuels and carbon footprint plastic and downcycling the entire use-it-once-and-throw-it-“away” mentality And there’s more … read about how bottled water companies are stripping water resources from our mountain ecosystems…
Greener Gifting
We’re sure that you — like us — have been trying to Simplify your life. Perhaps you’re simplifying because of the economy. Perhaps you’re simplifying because you’ve become aware of the burden that excess consumption is placing on our planet,…
How to make thermal drapes
The heat wave this past week really got to me. We don’t have air conditioning in our home, and even if we did, it would be great to insulate our windows to reduce the load on the a/c units and…