Digging deeper on water solutions
It's not going to "get better" soon. We can't just "wait it out." Water issues are the new normal. So, what can we do?
Rain that falls on flat surfaces like sidewalks and driveways runs away far too quickly to be very useful. Here are some ideas for bringing "not-flat" into your property.
Why Try a Rain Barrel, even if it is so small
Rain barrels are an excellent way to "dip your toe in the water" of beginning rainwater awareness.
My drip bucket technique – low tech drip irrigation
You discover one of your tender young plants is wilting – and it's not your day to water your yard. What can you do?
Focus on the drain holes
Most water-saving tips focus on the faucet. I'm encouraging you to focus as well on where the water goes, where it leaves your home.
8 tips for even deeper water savings
Here are a few tips to deepen your water-saving Practice, which you aren't likely to find on typical how-to lists. The habit shifts apply no matter whether you live in a house, rental, condo, or apartment.
How to make bucketting a habit as part of your overall water savings.
Water for the birds
As we enter this dry, dry summer, humans aren't the only ones short of water. In my Backyard Wildlife Habitat, my bird, butterfly, lizard, and insect friends need water too.
Drought-tolerant container gardening
Here's what I am doing for the flowerpot / container section of my garden
Multi-year drought, megadrought or Aridification
"Drought" is a really lightweight term for what we're experiencing. We should really be using far stronger terms. A multi-year drought? A megadrought? Aridification?